Friends of Pike Lake & Amazon Smile Fundraiser

 Dear Member,

Your membership and past support of our Friends group is most appreciated.
As you are aware, Covid19 restrictions have significantly reduced our merchandise sales and fundraising activities this past year. One way to easily continue your support is to shop at Amazon Smile and Amazon will donate to Friends of Pike Lake, at no cost to you.

Simply start shopping at our Friends of Pike Lake Amazon Smile page to find the same great deals and products as Amazon, and AmazonSmile will donate .5% of your total purchases to Friends of Pike Lake, Inc.  After clicking the above link, click the "Start shopping" icon.  You will be asked to "Login". Simply use your current Amazon Login info.  Or you can Create an Amazon account if you don't have one.  Your charity of "The Friends of Pike Lake, Inc" should appear on the upper left of the screen under the Amazon Smile drop-down.

Donald J Langenfeld